Air Plus is the Choice for Industrial Kitchens, Shopping Malls, Restaurants and Hotels!
06 Aug 2024, Tuesday

Airplus Preference for Industrial Kitchens, Shopping Malls, Restaurants and Hotels

Air Conditioning System in Industrial Kitchens

EN 16282 Standard and Ecodesign 2018

Double-Walled Hood and Clean Air Conditioning

Fresh air conditioning with double-walled hood or local fresh air line.

Air Conditioning System in Industrial Kitchens

Airplus Mesf Units keep the waste level under control with their high filtering ability and produce high comfort by providing clean air.

Double-walled hoods can be used in large-volume kitchens such as food factories, shopping malls, restaurants and hotels, and in cooking and frying areas. Airplus hood units are suitable for double-walled hood applications and offer ideal solutions for kitchen applications with their compact structure, ventilation and heat recovery -DX battery powered external unit option and air conditioning feature. Automation is on the panel on the device.